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And I want to help you find yours
(it is not as hard as you think!)

My mental health in my teens/early 20’s were turbulent to say the least, many years I doubted myself, never felt good enough, struggled with high anxiety and felt unsafe in this world everyday, I never knew quite knew what I wanted to do with my life other than not feel like this anymore…...


​​Not finding any resolutions via the conventional health route, feeling frustrated of the lack of the support I decided I have to take things into my own hands and off I went on a soul searching journey to find me and what a journey it has been!


​I found myself ‘falling’ into Reflexology after I sat in my childhood living room, watching my inspirational mum receive Reflexology. Seeing the very positive effect it had on my mum I decided to find out more..what is this?​


Whatever it was it sure hooked me in, I stepped into the full practitioner training with the Association of Reflexologists and the minute I stepped in the door I felt like I had come home I just knew this was the right path for me…..​


Fast forward 19 years, adding in Indian Head Massage, Reiki, Maternity & Fertility Reflexology, Naturopathic Nutrition, Traditional Chinese Medicine 5 elemental theory, Bowen Therapy and many CPD courses to add to my own set of skills and living in a community of healers, experiencing many modalities, learning fast about the complementary field of healing I was immersed into a world I just adore.


​I have witnessed miraculous health changes in many, through my busy practice, through the community and for myself.   Having extensive clinical experience including being lead Complementary Therapy Coordinator in my local hospice supporting patients undergoing palliative care, including cancer diagnosis working alongside medical doctors, nurses and within the clinic health care system.


​I believe conventional medicine and complementary therapy can work so beautifully together


Especially to support healthy emotional well-being and I feel it is my mission to help bring these two worlds together.


 I am currently working alongside two lead researchers to complete a research paper about Complementary Therapy and bringing in the knowledge from my Natural Sciences degree with Biology and my passion for human biology and neuroscience​


My dream is to create more accessibility and education to the world of Complementary Therapies (obviously Reflexology is at the top of this list!) so together we can empower ourselves to take charge of our own health, healing and happiness


​If your ready to do the work and look within I am right here walking with you I will never hold back on my enthusiasm, belief in you or my 20 years wisdom that will make your journey of healing and empowerment easier and faster than it was for me...


I have lived this

I know healing well

Together we make life so much more magical, healthy and incredibly beautiful


​With Love Always, Keep Shining Bright

Hayley x

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